The CEILING.PRECISE function is categorized under Excel Math and Trigonometry functions. It will round up a number to the nearest …
Category: Math and trigonometry
COS Excel function is an inbuilt trigonometric function in excel which is used to calculate the cosine value of given …
The Excel YEARFRAC function returns a decimal value that represents fractional years between two dates. You can use YEARFRAC to …
Week Number (WEEKNUM) is a date function in excel which gives us the week number for the given date in …
EDATE is a date and time function in excel which adds a given number of months into a date and …
The DAYS360 Function in Excel is categorized under Excel Date/Time functions. This function helps to calculate the number of days …
Combin function in excel is used to combine sets of a specified number. This function is categorized in mathematical trigonometry …
DATEVALUE function in excel is used to show any given date in excel absolute format, this function takes an argument …
The Excel DVARP function returns the variance of an entire population extracted from records that match given criteria. If data …
The Excel DVAR function returns the variance of a sample extracted from records that match the given criteria. If data …