ARABIC function is a mathematical conversion operator used to convert the roman numerals as text to ARABIC numerals. ARABIC numerals to ROMAN numerals are shown below.
Syntax: =ARABIC( text )
The ARABIC function syntax has the following arguments:
- Text (Required): A string enclosed in quotation marks, an empty string (“”), or a reference to a cell containing text.
Example: Let’s look at some Excel ARABIC function examples and explore how to use the ARABIC function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:
Syntax: =ARABIC(C2)
Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the following ARABIC examples would return:
Syntax: =ARABIC(C3)
Result: 2
Syntax: =ARABIC(C4)
Result: 3
Syntax: =ARABIC(C5)
Result: 6
Syntax: =ARABIC(C6)
Result: 10
Syntax: =ARABIC(C7)
Result: 1050
Syntax: =ARABIC(C8)
Result: 1990