How to use CONCAT Function in Excel

The Excel CONCAT function concatenates (joins) values supplied as references or constants. Unlike the CONCATENATE function (which CONCAT replaces), CONCAT allows you to supply a range of cells to join, in addition to individual cell references.

Syntax:= CONCAT (text1, [text2], …)

The CONCAT function syntax has the following arguments:

  • Text1 : The text1 can be any text or range that you want to concatenate.
  • [text2]: This is optional. This also can be any text or range.

Example: Let’s look at some Excel CONCAT function examples and explore how to use the CONCAT function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:

Syntax:  =CONCAT(A2;B2;C2)


Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the following CONCAT examples would return:

Syntax: =CONCAT(A3;” “;B3)
Result: Jack Albertson Eddie Albert

Syntax: =CONCAT(A4;B4;C4)

Syntax: =CONCAT(A5;B5;C5)
Result: PotatoAppleBanana

Syntax: =CONCAT(A6;B6;C6)
Result: PotatoAppleBanana

Syntax: =CONCAT(A7;B7;C7)
Result: 123

Syntax: =CONCAT(A8;B8;C8)
Result: EddieLAlbert

Syntax: =CONCAT(A9;B9;C9)
Result: ThomasGRandell

Syntax: =CONCAT(A10;” “;B10;”,DOB: “;TEXT(C10;”mm/dd/yyyy”) )
Result: Brown Andrew,DOB: 03/22/1980

Syntax: =CONCAT(A11;” “;B11;”,DOB: “;TEXT(C11;”mm/dd/yyyy”) )
Result: Jack Albertson,DOB: 12/15/1994

Syntax: =CONCAT(A12;” “;B12;”,DOB: “;TEXT(C12;”mm/dd/yyyy”) )
Result: White David,DOB: 3/25/1996


  • CONCAT can accept ranges in addition to individual cells
  • To concatenate manually, use the concatenation operator (&)
  • The CONCAT Function also provides no options for delimiters or empty values.
  • Numbers provided to CONCAT will be converted to text values during concatenation.

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