COS Excel function is an inbuilt trigonometric function in excel which is used to calculate the cosine value of given number or in terms or trigonometry the cosine value of a given angle, here the angle is a number in excel and this function takes only a single argument which is the input number provided.
Syntax: =COS (number)
The COS function syntax has the following arguments:
- number – an angle in radians for which we want the cosine
- If an angle is given in degrees, convert it to radians by using the RADIANS function or multiplying the angle by PI()/180
Example: Let’s look at some Excel COS function examples and explore how to use the COS function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:
Syntax: =COS(I65)
Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the following COS examples would return:
Syntax: =COS(I66)
Result: 0.965873885
Syntax: =COS(I67)
Result: 0.877582562
Syntax: =COS(I68)
Result: 0.808027508
Syntax: =COS(I69)
Result: 0.540302306
Syntax: =COS(I70)
Result: 0.070737202
Syntax: =COS(I71)
Result: -0.079120889
Syntax: =COS(I72)
Result: -0.416146837