DOLLARDE (an Analysis ToolPak function) allows you to convert a fractional dollar amount to a decimal amount. You can use this function to convert the price of a security, typically represented as a fractional amount, to a decimal amount that can be used for other calculations
Syntax:= DOLLARDE(fractional_dollar, fraction)
The DOLLARDE function syntax has the following arguments:
- Fractional_dollar Required. A number expressed as an integer part and a fraction part, separated by a decimal symbol.
Fraction Required. The integer to use in the denominator of the fraction.
Example: Let’s look at some Excel DOLLARDE function examples and explore how to use the DOLLARDE function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:
Syntax: =DOLLARDE(A2,B2)
Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the following DOLLARDE examples would return:
Syntax: =DOLLARDE(A3,B3)
Result: 2.25
Syntax: =DOLLARDE(A4,B4)
Result: 101.5625
Syntax: =DOLLARDE(A5,B5)
Result: 1.15625
Syntax: =DOLLARDE(A6,B6)
Result: 1.1875
Syntax: =DOLLARDE(A7,B7)
Result: 1.3125
Syntax: =DOLLARDE(A8,B8)
Result: 1.09375
Syntax: =DOLLARDE(A9,B9)
Result: 1.34375
Syntax: =DOLLARDE(A10,B10)
Result: 1.375
- If the supplied fraction argument is < 0,#NUM! error will occur.
- If the supplied fraction argument = 0,#DIV/0! error will occur.
- If either of the supplied arguments is non-numeric,#VALUE! error will occur.
- If fraction is not an integer, it is truncated