The Excel ERFC function calculates the Complementary Error Function, integrated between a supplied lower limit and infinity.
The Complementary Error Function is equal to 1 -ERF (i.e. 1 – Error Function), and is given by the equation:
Syntax: =ERFC(x)
The ERFC function syntax has the following arguments:
- X Required. The lower bound for integrating ERFC.
Example: Let’s look at some Excel ERFC function examples and explore how to use the ERFC function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:
Syntax: =ERFC(A2)
Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the following ERFC examples would return:
Syntax: =ERFC(A3)
Result: 0.479500122
Syntax: =ERFC(A4)
Result: 1.842700793
Syntax: =ERFC(A5)
Result: 0.157299207
Syntax: =ERFC(A6)
Result: 0.977435425
Syntax: =ERFC(A7)
Result: 0.033894854
Syntax: =ERFC(A8)
Result: 0.004677735
Syntax: =ERFC(A9)
Result: 2.20905E-05
Syntax: =ERFC(A10)
Result: 0.000406952
Syntax: =ERFC(A11)
Result: 0.943628022
Syntax: =ERFC(A12)
Result: 1.99997791
Syntax: =ERFC(A13)
Result: 1.999999985
- If x is a non-numeric value, the function returns the #VALUE! error value.
- The function returns the #NUM! error if one or both of the arguments are negative in Excel 2007 or earlier versions of Excel.