How to use HARMEAN Function in Excel

The Excel HARMEAN function returns the harmonic mean for a set of numeric values. The harmonic mean is the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of reciprocals. Harmonic mean can be used to calculate a mean that reduces the impact of outliers.

Syntax:= HARMEAN (number1, [number2], …)

The HARMEAN function syntax has the following arguments:

  • Number1, number2, …    Number1 is required, subsequent numbers are optional. 1 to 255 arguments for which you want to calculate the mean. You can also use a single array or a reference to an array instead of arguments separated by commas.

Example: Let’s look at some Excel HARMEAN function examples and explore how to use the HARMEAN function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:

Syntax:  =HARMEAN(A2:G2)

Result: 5.028375962

Cells containing Text values, logical values, or no value are ignored by Excel HARMEAN Function.

Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the following HARMEAN examples would return:

Syntax: =HARMEAN(A3:G3)
Result: 1.58490566

Syntax: =HARMEAN(A4:F4)
Result: 4.576271186

Syntax: =HARMEAN(A5:D5)
Result: 5.829959514

Syntax: =HARMEAN(A6:E6)
Result: 6.653465347

Syntax: =HARMEAN(A7:G7)
Result: 29.22001823


  • The harmonic mean is always less than the geometric mean, which is always less than the arithmetic mean.
  • Arguments can either be numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers.
  • Logical values and text representations of numbers that you type directly into the list of arguments are counted.
  • If an array or reference argument contains text, logical values, or empty cells, those values are ignored; however, cells with the value zero are included.
  • Arguments that are error values or text that cannot be translated into numbers cause errors.
  • If any data point ≤ 0, HARMEAN returns the #NUM! error value.
  • The equation for the harmonic mean is:







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