The IMCOS function returns the cosine of a Complex Number in x + yi or x + yj text format.
Syntax: =IMCOS( inumber )
The IMCOS function syntax has the following arguments:
- Inumber Required. A complex number for which you want the cosine
Example: Let’s look at some Excel IMCOS function examples and explore how to use the IMCOS function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:
Syntax: =IMCOS(A2)
Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the following IMCOS examples would return:
Syntax: =IMCOS(A3)
Result: 1.54308063481524
Syntax: =IMCOS(A4)
Result: 0.54030230586814
Syntax: =IMCOS(A5)
Result: 10.0676619957778
Syntax: =IMCOS(A6)
Result: 0.833730025131149-0.988897705762865i
Syntax: =IMCOS(A7)
Result: 1.54308063481524
Syntax: =IMCOS(A8)
Result: -542.829750561863+77.3783757356757j
Syntax: =IMCOS(A9)
Result: 0.266127195313546-3.61777507394014i
Syntax: =IMCOS(A10)
Result: -6.58066304055116+7.58155274274654i
Syntax: =IMCOS(A11)
Result: 23083.6899151345-78034.7601517634i
Syntax: =IMCOS(A12)
Result: 4607574354935.59-2705631776338.39j
Syntax: =IMCOS(A13)
Result: -27.0349456030742-3.85115333481178j
- Use COMPLEX to convert real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number.
- If inumber is a logical value, IMCOS returns the #VALUE! error value.
The cosine of a complex number is: