How to use IMSIN Function in Excel

The IMSIN function returns the sine of a complex number in x + yi or x + yj text format

Syntax:= IMSIN ( inumber )

The IMSIN function syntax has the following arguments:

  • Inumber: Required. A complex number for which you want the sine

Example: Let’s look at some Excel IMSIN function examples and explore how to use the IMSIN function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:

Syntax:  =IMSIN(A2)


Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the following IMSIN examples would return:

Syntax: =IMSIN(A3)
Result: 3.16577851321617-1.95960104142161i

Syntax: =IMSIN(A4)
Result: -1132.0636335269-3890.1701494988i

Syntax: =IMSIN(A5)
Result: 0.923490776043173+0.941504933270867i

Syntax: =IMSIN(A6)
Result: -7.61923172032141-6.548120040911i

Syntax: =IMSIN(A7)
Result: 13244561064.9217i

Syntax: =IMSIN(A8)
Result: 4.14906961162593-9.12758900613892i

Syntax: =IMSIN(A9)
Result: -56.1622742202323-48.5024552417709i

Syntax: =IMSIN(A10)
Result: -8364.8815706259-28744.6858987948i

Syntax: =IMSIN(A11)
Result: -78034.7601576553-23083.6899133917i

Syntax: =IMSIN(A12)
Result: -131970054.285846+203544151.183584j

Syntax: =IMSIN(A13)
Result: -11207817817.4808-7057139475.21237i


  • Complex Numbers in Excel are simply stored as text.
  • When a text string in the format “a + bi” or “a + bj” is supplied to one of Excel’s built-in Complex Number Functions, this is interpreted as a complex number.
  • The complex number functions can accept a simple numeric value, as this is equivalent to a complex number whose imaginary coefficient is equal to 0.
  • Use COMPLEX to convert real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number.
  • If inumber is not recognized as a complex number, IMSIN returns the #NUM! error.
  • If inumber is a logical value, IMSIN returns the #VALUE! error
  • The sine of a complex number is:

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