How to use the Excel TANH function

TanH function in excel is a mathematical trigonometry function that is used for calculating Hyperbolic tangent of any number. We can use the TanH function directly just by selecting any number which we want to convert into a hyperbolic tangent figure irrespective of any type of number we use in. We can select any positive, negative or integer and decimal number here, TanH will calculate the hyperbolic tangent value of all of it. Hyperbolic Functions are Sinh, Cosh, Tanh, Coth, Sech, and Cosech. All are related to each other one or other way around. In this article, we are discussing TANHLet us concentrate on this only as of now. The formula to find the hyperbolic tangent function is.

Syntax: TANH( number )

The TANH function syntax has the following arguments:

  • Number: The number you want to get the hyperbolic tangent number. The number is considered as the angle to radians.

Example: Let’s look at some Excel TANH function examples and explore how to use the TANH function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:

Syntax:  =TANH(A2)


Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the following TANH examples would return:

Syntax: =TANH(A3)
Result: 0

Syntax: =TANH(A4)
Result: 0.462117157

Syntax: =TANH(A5)
Result: 0.761594156

Syntax: =TANH(A6)
Result: -0.905148254

Syntax: =TANH(A7)
Result: 0.999909204

Syntax: =TANH(A8)
Result: 0.986614298

Syntax: =TANH(RADIANS(B9))
Result: 0.655794203

Syntax: =TANH(RADIANS(B10))
Result: 0.917152336

Syntax: =TANH(RADIANS(B11))
Result: 0.480472778

Syntax: =TANH(RADIANS(B12))
Result: 0.996272076


  • If the supplied number is nonnumeric value then TANH will return the #VALUE! Error.
  • The number is the angle in radians.
  • If the number is in degrees, multiply it by PI/180 to convert it into radians.
  • If you want the result in a degree, multiply the result by 180/PI.

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