How to use IMPOWER Function in Excel

The Excel IMPOWER function returns a complex number raised to a given power. The complex number must be in the form x + yi or x + yj. Use the COMPLEX function to create a complex number from real and imaginary parts

Syntax:= IMPOWER (inumber, number)

The IMPOWER function syntax has the following arguments:

  • Inumber: Required. A complex number you want to raise to a power.
  • Number: Required. The power to which you want to raise the complex number

Example: Let’s look at some Excel IMPOWER function examples and explore how to use the IMPOWER function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:

Syntax:  =IMPOWER(A2,B2)


Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the following IMPOWER examples would return:

Syntax: =IMPOWER(A3,B3)
Result: -11+2i

Syntax: =IMPOWER(A4,B4)
Result: -7+24i

Syntax: =IMPOWER(A5,B5)
Result: 1

Syntax: =IMPOWER(A6,B6)
Result: 64

Syntax: =IMPOWER(A7,B7)
Result: -119+120i

Syntax: =IMPOWER(A8,B8)
Result: -115+236i

Syntax: =IMPOWER(A9,B9)
Result: -236+115i

Syntax: =IMPOWER(A10,B10)
Result: -85-132i

Syntax: =IMPOWER(A11,B11)
Result: -119-120i

Syntax: =IMPOWER(A12,B12)
Result: 7+24j

Syntax: =IMPOWER(A13,B13)
Result: 24+10i


  • Use COMPLEX to convert real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number.

  • If number is nonnumeric, IMPOWER returns the #VALUE! error value.
  • Number can be an integer, fractional, or negative.
  • A complex number raised to a power is calculated as follows: where: and: and:

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