How to use the Excel LEN function

The LEN function in Excel counts characters in a string. I mainly use it when I need to extract text from a string. The Excel LEN function comes in handy when the number of characters in a string is indefinite.

Syntax: =LEN(text)

The LEN function syntax has the following arguments:

  • text – The text for which to calculate length.

Example: Let’s look at some Excel LEN function examples and explore how to use the LEN function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:

Syntax: =LEN(A2)


Syntax: =LEN(A3)
Result: 18

Syntax: =LEN(A4)
Result: 13

Syntax: =LEN(A5)
Result: 26

Syntax: =LEN(A6)
Result: 7

Syntax: =LEN(A7)
Result: 4

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